Becoming your powherfull self & building your business on your own can be as easy or as hard as you make it.
I lived far too long in the realm of hard.
Over-planning, overdoing, late nights, missed events, no social life, tired, stressed and working far too much.BECAUSE I JUST DIDN'T KNOW ANY BETTER.
Instead of actually building my dream in aligned purpose, I was just working more for other people's dreams.
Well, I already have a JOB!
I want a BUSINESS.
Near the end of 2022 I received a glorious download on switching how I run my biz to make it work for me. AND ITS BEEN EPIC!​ You see I had been living in a scarcity yearning to serve, so I had no boundaries, no set working hours and just poured out and over-emptied my cup for clients. This left me empty, run down and detached from my LIFE! My family. The whole "why" I was supposed to be building a business for.
I was proud to show photos of me working with my baby on my lap. I thought I was going through the "right motions" of hustling to build. I just didn't know any better, BUT ABOVE THAT, I had not done the inner work to BE a woman who leads herself as she builds her business.....
That SHIFT was the game changer for me.
PURSUING PASSIONS AND CONNECTION over trying to people please clients
So I established boundaries for myself and realized I CAN have clients meet at my availability versus theirs. After all, "bank hours" can be so frustrating if you work Mon-Fri right? Yet there they are, all inconveniently open when you are at work and cannot go!! hahaha.
But when I seperated my worth from my business and client delivery and turned the business around to work INTO my life, not around it, things CHANGED! For the better!!! Internally and externally.
Now, w​hile working full time, dealing with a child that stays up til 9:00 pm most nights, having no team members and still having a social life, I have been able to:
Launch a podcast that strips back all the bells and whistles and talks about what we don't see online, it's sincere, relatable and real.
Create + maintain engagement in a very different type of FB Group for female startups that is all about behind the scenes of growing a business.
Lead a movement of COLLABRAPRENEURS - women who work together on their business,
co-creating, celebrating, sharing, supporting, problem solving, all of it. -
Revamp my ENTIRE BIZ STRUCTURE + OFFERS to fit into my life, versus fitting my life around my biz.
It may all sound cliche and overdone with the internet going on about this stuff, but I think the more we talk about it the more we can change it, for all of us.
After all - what's it all for?
Purpose, meaning, connection!
So if your business is running you over, Baby I have got you covered. TRULY, if I can let go of hard and structure yet still accomplish all that I want and more, you most certainly can too + you will!
The hours and money I spent on trial and error have formed into 4 Key methodologies for female startups:
Spiritual Intelligence
Heart Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Body Intelligence
These elements create WHO you are, which then guides what you DO. We start with BEing a woman who..... before a woman who does....
So, if you are DONE with:
living in the realm of hard
over-planning, overdoing, late nights, missed events, no social life, tired, stressed and working far too much
feeling empty and yearning for some spice in your daily life
living day to day on auto pilot
knowing there is more but not knowing how to find it
seeing others "have" and BE what you want
waiting for your future to arrive
waiting for something to happen
waiting on the external circumstances to align
Then you are in the right place. powherfull inc is where the everyday woman lives a powherfull life,
every day!​

The powherfull Methodologies​
Connected to God (my faith)
Honouring time to "drop in"
Allowing Spirit to breathe within you
Living to be Good for God
A near constant state of peacefulness
Developing "endless" compassion and acceptance
Holding self worth and respect for self
compassionate and accepting - while maintaining self respect.
Feeling your feelings without becoming them
Responding from spirit not the nervous system
body intelligence
Healthy body
Connected body
Listening to body regulating your nervous system
Staying open and expansive, calm and content INSIDE, and out
Healthy Living

For the woman who....
Knows there is more to life than the same old, day in, day out routines
Is living but not alive
Wants to be happy from deep within, not in surface level spurts
Yearns to let her Spirit fly free but isn't sure "how"
Has a deep calling within that isn't going away and yet isn't fully awakened, she knows its time to release this gift
Knows there is MORE to life, and it's possible in the day to day
She is READY to expand, to do the work of spiritual fitness and reap the rewards to live a powherfull life every day!!!
Your dreams get to happen everyday
You get to choose in every moment what kind of woman you want to show up as, how you want to feel, what matters MOST in each moment!
There is no secret sauce external circumstance answer
What you seek lives within you now and you can start to reveal this NOW
You are awakened with course content and 1-1 calls with me, and you build community in my groups