Look, I just started this blog. And I already have so much content. It just pours out of me now, from merely saying YES to "starting a blog" (whatever that means! It's just about saying yes to choosing the "write" format for me to express myself to you!)
Now after mucking about on my website via my computer to set it up (which was super easy!), I'm writing yet another blog from my phone.
Technology is a gorgeous tool of service. And can easily be made to work for you in the simplest of ways. What I am truly grateful for in this case, is that Wix allows me to write blogs from the wix app. PORTABILITY!
My blogs will now provide me with content for emailing, SM posts and finding other ways online to feature myself.
As a mom on the go who still has a day job, this is freaking next level!!!
I have empowered myself with another easy way to grow my biz, CREATE SPACE FOR MY SOUL EXPRESSION, all while running around in life.
Make it fucking easy
Make it fucking work for you!
Getting organized is simply testing what works and decluttering the rest.
It's laying it allllllll out and then pacing yourself through it!!!
But steady consistent progress and a PLAN to direct all the efforting gets it done.
So clear your head, write out alllll the things swimming around in there for:
Business Ideas / Wish List
Strategy (why are you doing this)
Write til you're spent, tired, emptied.
Then send it to me! I'll show you how to SPREAD IT OUT like butter on warm toast.
Get clear, get rid of, and map it out.
Then you're up and running!!!
And you know I have a great tool to keep track of it all, nothing fancy, just functional and portable!!!!
Email or DM me on FB babe, quit fucking around trying to do it all at once.
The only thing to "do all at once" is empty your brain of all the things!
Hop to it, I am waiting to see what's inside!