In the vast expanse of the universe, among the billions of souls that walk the earth, there is one undeniable truth — God cares about you . Yes, you reading this right now. You are not a mere number on a list of forgotten faces. You are a cherished individual, part of a divine tapestry woven with love and purpose.
Excerpt from my morning journaling:
So often I feel the Lord is showing Himself "just for me," especially after dropping my daughter off and driving to work. The sun will do that starburst thing through the clouds and SHINE. And it feels like He is shining down just for me. And then, as much as I can feel this love and know that is true, I am also hit with the realization that He is loving this hard and intentionally and fully, on every-single-one-of-us who seek Him.
HOW FREAKING INCREDIBLE IS THAT!!!! It's beyond comprehension and yet also deeply expanding, to think, to feel, to be so loved and accept that love. Which leads into recognizing and being in utter awe of the greatness of God and His "ability" to be soooo present with ALL of us, AT ONCE.
So my darling, when we are caught up in our ego, in our limiting beliefs and lack, come back to this supernatural force and realize YOU ARE HERE ON PURPOSE AND FOR A REASON IN THIS TIME.
Allow this to move your Spirit, to open your heart and realize you are a messenger, a disciple, a woman of service. And let that service flow through you, like water. Open the chasm and let it out. It must be released. Containing it will swell, storm and overtake your soul. But to release is to glorify God, honour the people who need, year, are begging for you to be you, and allow us to be that connected body under one sky, one God.
It's awe-inspiring to consider how we are all united as one despite our apparent differences. This unity goes beyond our rational comprehension; it is supernatural, transcending logic and reason. God's love binds us together in ways we may never fully grasp, connecting us in a profound and mystical manner. And how beautiful is that. Surrender to this opens your heart, makes a way where you can't.
Ezekiel 36:36
God promises to turn their heart of stone into a heart of flesh. He will give all of his people one heart and a totally new spirit so that they join together and keep God's rules and obey God's commands. God will write his law on their heart so that they will desire the will of God in everything they do
Let me share a personal story that might resonate with you, my sister, my fellow new female business owner. In the early days of building my business, doubts clouded my mind. Was I on the right path? Could I truly make a difference in this competitive world? It was during one of these moments of uncertainty that I felt a gentle nudge in my spirit — a reminder that I was not alone. And since coming to the Lord, this power is overtaking me in the best of ways. I am bolder, more clear and more "flowey".... because it's not me, its God through me. And this brings such a peaceful contentment, a confidence and release of scarcity, of chasing, of trying to define myself by the external circumstances, but rather to grow my spirit to be more of you I was made to be....
God had designed me, you, others, with specific talents, passions, and dreams for a purpose. In embracing who He had made me to be, I have a newfound confidence and clarity in my entrepreneurial journey.
So, can you trust in the divine truth that God cares for you individually? Can you believe that He has a grand design for your life, one that is intertwined with the destinies of countless others? The answer is a resounding YES !
My darling, my powherfull CEO, remember that you are not just a business owner; you are a beacon of light in a world that craves authenticity and passion. By aligning your heart with God's will, you step into your true identity — a leader, a visionary, a change-maker.
Become Who You Were Made to Be - As you navigate the challenges and triumphs of entrepreneurship, hold fast to the knowledge that you are not alone. God walks beside you, whispering words of encouragement and wisdom in the stillness of your heart. Trust in His plan for you, and watch as your business unfolds in ways you could have never imagined.
powherfull habits is getting upgraded!
90 days of building habits under weekly themes
live training
Become who God made you to be - through your daily HABITS!
Can't wait to open the doors (as they say!) and show you how you show up every day.
Judgement Free Zone
And actually BEcoming who God made you to be
Its going to be supernatural!!! Whose EXCITED!!!!!!! Tell your friends, keep opening my emails and pray for me to create fast and beautifully for us!
Also - what would you LOVE to see in the program? What habits do you wish you had and why do you think (*ahem, what is the excuse you have) for not?