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Writer's pictureMia Frankl

Leading with Love

I live and love to serve.

I desire for women to know our worth and to trust ourselves.


Because I am on that journey and this is my biggest lesson to learn. So I know the colorful and “dynamic” space of the inner journey. And I mean this in the highest sense, it's not “just” about business, but using business as:

  • a means to grow and stretch ourselves

  • practice unconditional self acceptance

  • serve with self respect and embodiment of our worth

Business to be used as the playground in which we can create ourselves,

test ourselves and push the limit on who we are here to BE & BE-COME.

It's a comfortable discomfort; to put ourselves “out there” where those “who know us” are not the only ones who react, in fact are among the fewest (even if they can feel more influential to our inner truths at first - but face it, your mom, spouse, sibling is not likely your soul client!!!).

So, in business, we can really see who we are without the lens of the familiar, without the conditioning, and test and explore ourselves in new interactions among people new to us and us new to them.

Where we can, dare I say, even feel more confident because hell - they are strangers right, so less to lose (says the mind games!). However there is actually so much more to gain, because here we can play with how grounded and true to self we are being….

Then bring it back over and over into our daily lives, everywhere, all the time….

As long as we are being authentic, not perfect, not pretending, not making shit up. But showing up in that inner powher we feel calling, let it out, show it to the world and see what happens.

And in doing so, listen to yourself, don't make it about ego, others or anything else. Make it about YOUR DESIRE, for you and in that find what can be of use to others.

As poetically described in a recent podcast interview “I have filled my pitcher with knowledge, love and awareness and now it's time to redistribute, pour it out to share with others.” (credit Jill McCarthy)

When we (start to) step into who we are, for the soul reason of our own well being, love and acceptance, we gain capacity to expand and share that with others. By just being ourselves, hence the business part is not the center of this, but a practice field where we feel called, and can in effect, TRAIN.

Train the release, expansion, beauty of soul, of creation, of connection.


And I don't mean in grand gestures, I mean just by raising your awareness and love, in small actions over time. And I don’t mean on any conditions of “once I, then…” or “as soon as this…I can…”. I mean from the moment you ignite yourself and start. Imperfectly, haphazardly, inconsistently, and beautifully.

This is the journey after all, and this is always going to be a few steps ahead of someone else and a few steps behind another.

This is the journey, hand in hand, connecting, bringing along and growing the collective….. Increasing our abundance and helping each other reach those in search of us.

It's not solo journey, it's a soul journey in connecting to the web of oneness.

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1 Comment

Apr 05, 2023

dammmmm. love the concept of oneness, no more flying solo!

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