“16 l I say, then: live by the Spirit and you will certainly not gratify the desire of the flesh. 17 For the flesh has desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you may not do what you want.” Galatians 5 16:17
Spirit versus flesh (self)
I take concern (discernment) with the concept of SELF development when, as a Believer, we know that GOD is what works through us. The Holy Spirit is what evolves us, when we open our hearts to allow Him to shine through and lift us up to who we are, in His design.
My Self
Your Self
(Instead of myself, yourself)
I can only overcome my self via Holy Spirit not me, not my self by myself.
So let’s shake this whole thing down. When have you had a hard heart and how did it soften? My latest, MUNDANE example is the pile of dishes in the kitchen sink earlier this week. Yup! I was (my self was) telling a story of how I have been doing the dishes for the last two straight weeks. Ugh! And I stubbornly (my self) looked at those dishes and thought” nah-uh! Not today”.....
But inside a quiet voice says don't be that person, don't not do the dishes because of resentment.
Don't do them if you're tired or would rather be more present with your child, but for the sake of resentment, no.
And voila, the softening of the heart (Spirit), not of my self.
My self wanted to argue, fight, blame, keep score.
While Spirit said “What kind of woman are you? What does it matter how many times you wash dishes? Show love, show care, show mercy.’
These are NOT values that come easily on their own - with my self (I have a WHOLE world of good versus evil to write about and create programs on this ha!!!).
But through Spirit? I sorta didn’t even have to DO anything, I just had to let space to BE, and to open. Spirit took over. Not possessed now, come on.
Higher than my self wants to be.
So I did the dishes and I felt lighter after. Clean sink, clean kitchen, open spirit.
All day my self and spirit battle. And where my self influences is how much I want to attach to whatever resistance to Spirit I am feeling.
HOW I let go, relax, open, rise above, is by ASKING, ALLOWING, DESIRING to be more than I can be in my own merit.
The lesson here is SIMPLE. The lesson is to overcome the self, the flesh, and let spirit pour out. Practice over and over and over, day after day etc. Not perfect, not flawless, not utopian divinity.
But via mundane, challenged, stubborn releasing and seeking to BE more with supernatural support than through my self (your self).
In the self development world, we focus on SELF. It's called self development! But I believe that makes "it" (makes self) limited!!!
We do not overcome ourselves by our own merit. We need the help of the supernatural, we need the help of the Holy Spirit.
To drive this home, from my journaling, look at these side by sides as an example of the leadership from spirit versus self.
Limiting Beliefs | God’s Truths |
I can’t I’m not good enough It’s HARD (wah!) HOWWWWWWW WHENNNNNN AAAHHH Money stress Ahhhh time stresss Ahhh no audience, leads, growth I DON'T KNOW HOW It’s not working “no matter what I do” | I MADE YOU ON PURPOSE FOR MY PURPOSE GLORIFY ME Sell Me (*courtesy of Kat*) Serve for ME (not for your merit / fame) I know MY PLAN FOR YOU! Follow Me Trust ME ASK ME how, what, and I will guide you Pray, Pray, Pray to Me all day long and I will answer Praise Me, Give thanks to Me, for what I provide while I continue to work on your behalf (I need time my child) Seek forgiveness and mercy in Me |
Another example:
Temptation (My Self, Flesh) | Goodness (Holy Spirit) |
Anger Jealousy Envy Insecurity Idolatry | Self Love Love for Others Compassion Mercy Understanding Grace |
But the Spirit produces the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. There is no law that says these things are wrong. Galatians 5:22
It wasn’t until after I wrote this I realized it is written in Galatians. Because the Holy Spirit was flowing through me, not my self guiding me. I would NOT have come to this on my own, my side by side would have more… human, less divine.
You'll know which is leading when you feel the resistance to doing what you actually should do, yes should (Mia, just wash the dishes, washing them is less painful than bearing resentment and stubbornness over who washed them more in the last two weeks, what is two weeks over a lifetime anyway!).
We don't want to do the right, moral, merciful thing.
We want to feed the ego, the emotion, the wound, the self.
So when I was resisting the dishes, I knew through the Holy Spirit, it was a weak approach. And as I did the dishes I could feel spaciousness and grace. I could feel BEing a kind, moral and fair person, doing something for me (get the results I wanted, clean kitchen, without expectation from someone else whom I cannot control, and taking responsibility), while serving my home as well.
It's time for you to find ways to build your practice of overcoming self with spirit. It has to come with a desire to be more peaceful and moral, to lead by higher values than the instant gratification of reacting to the emotion (and that sounds like a far better way to feel and be than the battling, doesn't it!!). Then cultivation of awareness. Moving from reactive to proactive.
Our nervous systems are hyper stimulated, stats sharing that we process upwards
of 74 GB of data per day (about 16 movies, or the ENTIRE book “The Hobbit”). (https://kids.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frym.2017.00023)
That is a LOT to overcome by my self, by your self.
START with this exercise, now (below). And see where the supernatural starts to guide you, grow you and support your divine purpose!!!
Choose something that is troubling you right now. Something simple but “annoying.” Bring it to your attention.
Now, pause, close your eyes and take 3 slow breaths.
Reflect on the following questions.
What else could be true?
What is “just” (fair, moral, neutral) in this situation?
Why am I actually resisting this? What am I feeling underneath, what's driving this reaction to XXX (your scenario)?
I am here for what comes up!! Share with me, with someone close to you and hold the feeling of the shift. You just started your ascension and practicing this over time will create the mastery of who God made you to be!
Trinity is a great foundational 3 month program to step through the portal of Earth and into the Supernatural Spirit. We explore:
Spiritual Expansion
Emotional intelligence
Body Connection
Biz & Life Simplicity
Get to know yourself more and get out of your own way as you realize just how beautiful and on purpose you are!
I will hold you through 1-1 with some pre-recorded videos and group community. It will be fun, expansive and so worth it!!
I am ready for you, are you ready for you??!
For Holy Spirit activated you!!!!!