peaceful empowerment
Peaceful: tranquil and calm, resilient to disturbances and trust in self for the long term
Empowerment: being strong and confident in running one's life through your inner state of being​
"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it"
Proverbs 4:23
The heart is the soul & mind combined.
What goes into your soul, what goes through your mind, comes out of your heart and mouth and creates your reality and beliefs. Which influences your actions and decisions, and the kind of woman you are being and becoming.
So how will you steward your inner self, your spirit, your state of being from which all else flows?
Create your life around your spiritual health, BE the woman who…..and then become her as a result.
My method develops your "peaceful empowerment"
A way of living every day BEing who you seek to be.
A woman who feels good, is resilient, is convicted of her worthiness, has compassion and loves her everyday life, every day. ​

Spiritual Intelligence
What do you believe in, beyond this Earthly World?
Connecting to Faith allows us to supercharge our state of being.
For me it's definitely Christ.
I encourage you to explore your faith at a deeper level. The separation of the spirit from the self, from the nervous system.
The ability to be more than you can be on your own is available through Faith.
In doing so, you attract more, serve more impact more, create more, all of that comes from a deep and connected spiritual place.
We can only take ourselves so far. But with Faith we can take us to the place that God intends for us to be. And be the person He intends for us to be.
Heart Intelligence
What we can always have more of & never run out of?
What would more love look like in your life? Perhaps....
Softer, surrended and accepting
Knowing what our sincerest values are
Acting from a conscious awareness of those values
Living in and from your heart, not ego or proving energy
Doing the right thing because it's the right thing, for you.
What about really knowing who you are, what truly matters (like death bed matters) and acting with integrity and moral character of really being that woman.
The woman who is honest even if it's uncomfortable.
The woman who speaks with integrity that her word means her word.
The woman who chooses love over her own wounds, with respect for herself and for the other person.
The woman who has capacity to hold space for others without absorbing what they may be projecting onto you.
There is always room for more love. Keep your heart open and live more deeply.
Emotional Intelligence
Understanding yourself better helps you relate to others better. Regulating prior to reacting moves you into an empowered state of awareness versus defensiveness.
Imagine being able to
let your emotions be expressed without consuming you
proactively lead yourself through conflict
proactively lead yourself towards what you want
overcome uncertainty and create boldness instead
This is a beautiful and ongoing journey of learning to separate your spirit from your emotions, learning to be a self-observer who checks herself before auto-pilot responding.
When you look back in your life from 50 years from now, 15 years from now what are you going to wish for, what are you going to tell yourself…
Imagine looking back, having lived satiated, present and fulfilled.
Having soaked up joy, laughter, kindness and new experiences.
Having been a patient and kind parent, partner, friend....
Having leaned in to healing and not conflict.
Body Intelligence
Oh beautiful, beautiful body. The body is the container guys. The body holds all of the cellular experience, the embedded DNA, the neuropathways, the muscle memory, the physical scars the emotional scars the stories of your heart, the tattoos on your heart….
The body gives you signals, the body reacts physiologically from the amygdala, the body is a scrapbook, a physical diary of your lived experience.
The body needs attention. The body needs care and the body needs to work, move, shift and flex.
The body needs you to pay attention to it.
The body is a key piece to release, to reprogram, to reshape and to support you.
And the body is such a perfect example of getting comfortable with discomfort. I love love love the example of the plank or the squat or cardio. Your body will quickly react to being pushed physically and your mind will want to start to resist but if you can relax your mind and encourage your body to continue, your body will warm up to the idea and will perform for you.
And this pushing a little bit gently past the initial discomfort is where increased fitness starts to happen.
For the everyday woman seeking more of herself in every day!

Work with Me
YOUR Journey
A custom & intimate progression to shift you from status quo to intentional, open and growing.
3 month journey
weekly calls
Do not define yourself by your business.
Heart, Body & Business
The Portal to new CEO's Higher Self.
WHO WE BECOME is a result of connection, self awareness, love and impact.
Video Course
9 x 1-1 Coaching Sessions
Imagine waking up and having an actual soul aligned plan for the day.
Imagine waking up and having a TO BE List, not a to-do list.
Imagine feeling organized, spiritually filled, and energized to focus and act on what actually builds the life and business you want; versus fumbling around with chaos and "off the side of the desk", over caffeinated and frantic.
Habits Playbook
10 x 1-1 Coaching Sessions
Get Organized!
Life &/or Biz
Calming the Chaos
Building a Foundation to hold you as you grow.
Weekly Zooms to plan & execute your business with admin and project management.
3 month minimum
Contact to Explore

Where powherfull every day women who are seeking "more" of themselves through purpose and business, are heard, held and served !!

My heart & spirit shared through the written word. Reflections, insightful advice, lived experience to stir your heart and encourage you to keep going!

To sit in circle is to allow space for your most true self, your deepest whisper of self, to be seen and to be expressed.
This self led circle will connect you to your powHER.

If it is not easy you won't do it. So let's get rid of the obstacles and cut to the chase. Four easy, fun key steps to focus on to grow your business.